This past March, seven of my best friends and I went on our annual girlfriends getaway to The Norwich Spa & Inn. We've been doing it for 18 years(!) and it's a weekend we cherish. We have lots of laughs, delicious food (via chef Nikki), endless wine, some good spa pampering and much needed R&R. And although we may be 47-ish … [Read more...]
Friday Finds 8
Happy Friday everyone! I haven't shared my Friday Finds in a few weeks and after I gathered my favorite stuff, I realized they all have a girly-feminist vibe to them. It wasn't intentional, but maybe a subconscious nod to all the female empowerment going on lately. I even redesigned the Friday Finds "logo". I hope you enjoy my collection … [Read more...]
hopeful | FREE art print
Along with so many others, I was moved and hopeful hearing about all the women’s marches across the world. I wish I had been there. I certainly was in spirit. My words will not adequately describe how amazing it was that so many people came together in such a peaceful, loving and powerful way. I know the marches weren’t only for, or … [Read more...]