Travelling is fun, and tiring, and fun. And when we're away it's hard to keep up a beauty regimen. We often don't have what we really need. With all the carry-on restrictions and just general space limitations, a few beauty hacks are necessary. Check out my favorite travel beauty hacks below and save space in your bag for more important … [Read more...]
DIY painted globe & how to transfer type
This was a project I had done last year but it's one of my favorites. So I wanted to share it again with you today in case you missed it. Painted globes are on trend and adding your own personal touch to them is both a learning experience and also a fun diy project. Globes and maps are such fun design elements. I saw this globe at … [Read more...]
thoughts on traveling
Since the kids had their winter break from school this past week, we took a much-needed trip to the U.S. Virgin Islands. It was amazing. We've been going away to a different Caribbean Island for the past 3 years during this same break week and each year it's been such a great experience with a lot of family time, even more relaxing … [Read more...]
lessons learned in traveling – repost
Are you seeing a pattern here? We have been on vacation this past week and it reminded me of a post I did last year about the lessons learned from traveling. The same feelings and emotions came back to me again - as they do every time I travel. Having my family with me too is such a blessing. We also went away this past summer with my … [Read more...]
DIY leather luggage tag
Today I’m sharing a DIY project that I did last year before we went on vacation and I thought I’d repost it for all of you who are preparing to travel this year. These leather luggage tags have really come in handy. They’re pretty, durable and unique - and they’ve helped us find our bags in the craziness of several airports. Follow along … [Read more...]