Reading is something I don’t do enough of. I love reading but I also hate reading a bad book. So I’ve half-read a lot of books. Maybe I’m too picky. Maybe I’m just lazy. But when I find a good book, I get excited and I like to share it. And right now I’m reading 3 books. whoa. I guess when it rains, it pours.
The first book I’m reading is The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. It’s not my favorite but my son had to read it for his sophmore English class and I like to read what my kids are reading so I can talk to them about it, review their assignments, and just stay connected. It’s a memoir about the author’s deeply dysfunctional but incredibly unique family. Like I said, it’s not my favorite but it’s interesting and I’ll stick with it mostly for 15 year old conversation subject matter.
The second book I’m reading is my 13 year old son’s soon-to-be 8th grade reading assignment, To Kill a Mockingbird. I’m giddy. I actually bought this book over the summer along with Go Set a Watchman, also by Harper Lee. Like almost everyone else, I read To Kill a Mockingbird in high school and even though it’s a book that will always stay with me, I wanted to read it again before I read Go Set a Watchman. So this is my kick in the butt. Not that I really need a kick in the butt to read this classic. I recommend reading it, or re-reading it for the majority of us. Then I’ll move on to Go Set a Watchman. There’s a little bit of controversy around the release of Go Set a Watchman. Although written before To Kill a Mockingbird, Go Set a Watchman was originally promoted as it’s sequel. But I’ve read that it was actually an early draft of To Kill a Mockingbird that was rejected. Whatever the case, I’m reading both. My dad who’s a retired high school English teacher loved it. That’s good enough for me.
The last book I’m “reading” is For the Love by Jen Hatmaker. I’m on chapter 5 and it’s awesome. I put reading in quotes because I’m actually listening to the book via Audible, an iphone app that I just discovered. So not only do I love this book but I also love reading it this way. I listen to a chapter or two either at night or while making dinner. It’s a Christian book but it’s not at all an in-your-face-religious book. She’s smart, funny, sarcastic, and self-deprecating. Kinda like the people I like to hangout with! The full title is For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards. She says we put ourselves – and others “on the hook” too much. We judge too harshly. We have to let let ourselves – and others “off the hook.” And I think she’s dead on. Just to give you an idea of what to expect, I was listening to this book in bed with my ear buds on, laughing my arse off. My poor husband didn’t understand. Chapter 4 about yoga pants. Hysterical. If you’re a 30+ woman it’s a must read.
So that’s my reading list. It’s a lot for me at one time but I’m excited about the opportunity to think and learn – and laugh too. And they all give me material that will foster conversations and interactions with others – including my kids. And that’s priceless.
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