Taking time for yourself. I am so not good at this. And I feel summertime makes it harder to do so. The kids’ schedules, the lack of routine, extra traveling, the feeling of wanting to enjoy every moment of the nice weather. All of these things contribute to the guilt I feel about taking time for myself. But it is a necessary activity we all need to do – and not feel guilty for it. I’ve been feeling burnt out lately and not very creative and I think finding the time for ourselves – on a regular basis – is important to avoid this, and it can actually be a key ingredient for success. So how do we do it? Everyone is so busy and me-time is not always on our to-do list. And what do we do to really “take time” for ourselves? If we have to “plan” it doesn’t that just add more stress and defeat the purpose? Here are 3 articles I found online that do a good job of helping us figure out how, when, where and why we should take time for ourselves. I especially like the part about saying no. I’m not good at that either. But I’m learning. Hope you enjoy the articles – and enjoy some more time for yourself!
1) 5 Reasons to Make Time for Yourself Right Now
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