I just made this pom pom garland and I’m all giddy at the results. I thought I’d share this tutorial with you because a) it’s super easy to do – no crafty skills are needed and b) it’s super cheap! I love these kind of DIY projects.
First, I made my own pom poms. And before you get all, “what is she crazy” – it really is a super easy DIY. All you need is some yarn, sharp scissors and a pom pom maker {get at any arts & craft supply store}.
There are several ways to make a pom pom – with or without the pom pom tool – but I found it safer to use the tool. It’s called the Clover Pom Pom Maker. Two sizes for about $7. It’s a little funky tool with no written instructions and rather than try and recreate the steps, I found a YouTube video that did it perfectly.
Here’s the video:
I made about 12 medium sized pom poms and tied them to a piece of the same yarn to make the garland.
When I got the length I wanted, I hung it in our daughter’s room. Done!
Now, here are a few more reasons to make your own pom poms {click on the links to go to the original sources}:
pom pom napkin rings from Art Bar
pom pom blanket from Jones Design Company
a super cute pom pom chandelier at small for big
What do you think? Are you loving pom poms as much as I am?? And I feel like super mom now – I just made a new pom pom for my son’s Patriot’s winter hat. The original one came unraveled. Mass-produced crap. pffft.
[…] made my own pom poms – you can check that post out here. It’s much easier than I thought. I used a pom pom maker (like this one) and it made the […]