I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We enjoyed a nice day with family. We played some games, laughed, talked and of course we ate so. much. food. But we still had a lot leftover. I love all the Thanksgiving dishes and even after eating a ton, I still want more! So here are a few ideas on what to do with those leftovers other than … [Read more...]
10 yummy pumpkin recipes
Happy Friday everyone! I usually do a little recipe round-up at the end of each month highlighting 4 recipes I tried and loved. But I have a confession... I haven’t been doing too much cooking, or at least not a lot of “new” cooking. It’s been a lot of the same old stuff over here but I’m chalking that up to getting back into the school … [Read more...]
recipe round-up | August
I think going back to school is an even crazier time of year than Christmas in our house! We’re trying to squeeze in the last days of summer fun but also trying to get the kids ready for school and back into a routine. aaaahhhhgh! And back to routine for me means back to cooking dinners. aaaahhhhgh! I did cook a little bit this summer but … [Read more...]
recipe round-up | July
If you’re like me, cooking inside during the summer is not my fave. The thought of turning on the stove makes me cringe. But the grill - now that’s another story! There’s nothing like a good summer meal from the grill. But I always feel like I make all the same stuff. Marinate the chicken in Italian dressing or steak kebabs, usually in … [Read more...]
recipe round-up | June
Happy Friday everyone! It’s that time again to share some great recipes I found on the web - we’ve tried them and loved them all. I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m running out of ideas for what to make. Dinner is always a challenge and with summer here, I find it hard to also come up with new ideas on what to serve if we have … [Read more...]