Today I'm sharing how I made these rustic wooden luggage tags that are super cute and durable. Since they’re unique, you’ll be able to spot your bags a little quicker when traveling too. These DIY luggage tags are great if you’re planning a trip but they make great gifts too and can be designed however your choose. And the … [Read more...]
DIY leather luggage tag
Today I’m sharing a DIY project that I did last year before we went on vacation and I thought I’d repost it for all of you who are preparing to travel this year. These leather luggage tags have really come in handy. They’re pretty, durable and unique - and they’ve helped us find our bags in the craziness of several airports. Follow along … [Read more...]
leather luggage tag DIY
We are headed south to the beautiful island of St. Kitts for a little R&R {can’t wait!} so I decided to make some luggage tags for our trip. These luggage tags will not only help identify our suitcases, but they also look pretty cute. And they are very easy to make. The first one I made took a little longer and I worked out some of … [Read more...]