If you're reading this you've probably noticed a few changes here at greco design company! My blog got a makeover. I wish I got the makeover but this will have to do for now. And I have to say, I'm really excited and proud! I'm excited because I feel like this design is more on target with the message I want to convey to my readers. I … [Read more...]
top 10 posts
I’m having such a great time working on this blog and I love getting comments and responses from you, the readers. You guys have made it so fun and worthwhile! I thought I’d share with you the Top 10 Posts from the past year as a way to highlight what you liked best. These are the posts that got the most responses, comments and feedback. … [Read more...]
favorite posts & highlights from 2014
Happy New Year everyone! The start of a new year is always exciting and I look forward to a bit of change. But it’s also nice to look back and reflect on the past year and see the good, the bad and all the in-between’s. This year had it’s share of ups and downs - as do most years I guess. We remained healthy and continued to laugh so for … [Read more...]
Starting a blog | dealing with imperfection
I have been "starting" my blog for a few months now. I know that sounds crazy and if you told me in October that I would still be working on getting this off the ground I would have said YOU were crazy! I can give lots of excuses for why I'm not further ahead than I wanted: I have 3 young kids, I run my own freelance graphic design … [Read more...]