I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and had some time to relax and reflect. I feel like that’s just what we all need before the holiday madness begins. Or maybe you went shopping this weekend and the madness has already begun for you! I’m not shopping on Black Friday but I am going to shop this Saturday {Nov. 29} because it’s Small … [Read more...]
arrow art DIY
This is a quick DIY project that ANYONE can do. I promise. Check out my original post on the how arrows are so hot right now. Or maybe they’ve been hot for a while and I’m just realizing it now. {That’s probably the case}. So, I finally got around to doing my own arrow art for our home. And it found a spot on our new updated gallery … [Read more...]
arrow trend
A trend that has caught my eye lately has been the use of arrows - everywhere! I'm thinking the movies Hunger Games and Brave might have contributed to this trend. But I've been seeing them in home decor, invitations, party decorating and even jewelry. I love arrows for both their primitive and whimsical qualities. The simple, graphic … [Read more...]