Along with so many others, I was moved and hopeful hearing about all the women’s marches across the world. I wish I had been there. I certainly was in spirit. My words will not adequately describe how amazing it was that so many people came together in such a peaceful, loving and powerful way.
I know the marches weren’t only for, or about women, and that there were so many other concerns that were expressed. But I just feel so hopeful – and honestly – relieved – that others were feeling some of the same things I was.
And I especially loved that it was positive and peaceful. That’s the message. I hope that’s not lost on the intended.
I read, heard and saw so many wonderful words and messages in the media but I found one by Ariana Dancu that really spoke to me.
So I made a little art print with this message because I don’t want to forget it. And you can download and print it for free too. Hang it proudly. Give it to your daughter or your friend. Look at it often. And remember how so many people came together. Peacefully. To stand up for themselves and those who weren’t, or aren’t, able to. Thank you to all of them. You’ve given me hope.
Visit my freebies page to print this hopeful message. To get my freebies, you must be a subscriber to my blog. If you’re not yet a subscriber to my blog, it’s easy to do, there’s no commitment and you get access to lots of free stuff. Enter your email address in the box on the right (above the SUBSCRIBE button). Click the SUBSCRIBE button then follow the instructions fully. Be sure to confirm your subscription – and then you’ll have access to all my free stuff! If you’re already a subscriber, you should have received an email with a password to access these fun freebies already.
Janice Black says
Thanks,Lori for sharing. We’re standing tall and being hopeful. Hope you and your followers are
involved in the Indivisible Movement. Every voice needs to be heard.